sábado, 6 de abril de 2013

Cuento multilingüe 2: Without memories

I felt the attack almost at noon, when I was going up the stairs at my office. This time it was a hard attack, or a quicker one, but with the normal sequence: a tingle in my arms, a pain in my feet, visual difficulties and lack of balance. As usual, I took a deeply breath, stopped going up and put my hand over the railing. I became then physically stable and I breathed two more times until continuing my step up.

When I reach the upper flat, I went directly to the lift and take it to the lower floor and the main entrance. Once out, I lighted a cigarette and breathed the smoke deeply and started to walk around. Suddenly, I felt that the attack was much harder than usual. At this moment, I felt that I didn't recognize where I was.

I continued walking over the sidewalk trying to remember what was happening. It is clear that I was suffering another episode of lack of short time memory. This wasn't unusual. These episodes were part of my live since several years ago. But this time, it was being stronger. At that moment, I didn’t remember my name, where I was, or which building I was leaving off.

A man crossed with me, stopped, and started to talk to me:

- How are you doing? There is a lot of time that I didn't see you.

I smiled and, very carefully, responded:

- Well, as usual, you know. And how are you?

- Good enough and very busy, as usual too. I have tried to call you several times, but I haven’t got time. Are you going to have a coffee?

- Yes, for sure. Do you like to have one?

- Of course, but I don't have too much time. I have a meeting in twenty minutes.

- Twenty minutes is enough for a coffee.

I smiled again, while I was trying to remember the name of this man. I supposed that he was a friend of mine, but I cannot reach a name for him.

He continued speaking while we were walking; talking about the projects and the problems in which he was involved. So, we went to the coffee shop, had the coffee and went back to the building. All the time I was very polite, smiling frequently and using small expressions as “Really?” “What a pity!” “I can believe it” “It is always the same”.

When we came back to the office building I gave him a little excuse and keep me outdoors for smoking. Then I turned back to the sidewalk and started to walk away from the building.

The attack was ongoing and the pain in my right foot was increasing. I felt that I was limping a lot. I kept my pace as steady as possible and at the same time I was trying to remember the name of my colleague, or perhaps my friend. I was sure that he had been a person very close of mine, but at that moment I didn't have any idea about our relationship; neither about him. Well, in fact, I didn't have any idea about me at that moment.

When I started to cross the street in the next square, I heard a scream and turned back. I saw my friend running towards me and screaming. Then I recognised him for a second, until the car passed over me.

The last I heard was his cry. But at this moment I was smiling again while I was remembering the good times we had enjoyed together long time ago. 

JL Llorente

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