sábado, 13 de abril de 2013

Cuentos multilíngües 8: A simple kiss

Upon on a time there was a King which falled in love within a beautiful Queen. Unfortunately for both, their relationship broke and they became enemies. However, they kept their private contact using different spies and managing non-usual channels to send messages each other. Ministers and ambassadors did not have any notice of the messages between the King and the Queen.

The fight among the two counties was rising from day to day. And the letters from the King to the Queen was sadder each time. Finally, the Queen did not respond his last letter. And the King felt he had lost his last opportunity for reconciliation or even for a new approach to her.

Then, the King, as the King which he was, sent his soldiers against the country of the Queen. But Queen’s army fought better. And King’s army was defeated. Thousand of lives were finished, in both armies.

I believe that too many souls were massacred only for a question which would be resolved with a simple kiss.

JL Llorente

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